Feersum Technology التطبيقات

Swan Presentation Timer 1.2
If you need to give a speech or presentation, the Swan PresentationTimer helps you to get the timing down to perfection. See where youare at a glance, no confusing text to distract you and theclearest, simplest display to read. Store multiple presentationsfor quick recall - just tap on the title. Each talk can havemultiple sections, each with their own timing. Add and removesections with a long press. Easy editing of times. Simply tap asection and drag the time up and down. Whether it's a lecture orjust a short talk, timing is everything - Swan keeps you on track.
Feersum UK TV Guide
Feersum Technology
Notice: This Service is planning to end in September 2021.Pleaseread on for details. The Feersum UK TV Guide has been onlineforover eight years. It is written and maintained by a team of one-me. Maintaining the service and obtaining the data feeds costsafair amount of money, which has been covered by advertisementsandsubscriptions in the app. Unfortunately, as the app markethasmatured the income generated from ‘free’ apps has declined, tothepoint where continuing to run the TV Guide loses money. Thevastmajority of the thousands of people who use the app ignoretheadverts and do not subscribe. The app was written simply becauseIwanted a responsive, easily accessed overview of what was on TV.Ipersonally use it on a regular basis for exactly thatreason.Sadly, in the current economic climate, I cannot afford tokeep itrunning unless it can generate income. Recently the apphasreceived minimal updates as I have had to focus on other work.Nowthough, I must make the difficult decision to end theserviceentirely. Therefore, in September I plan to stop providingTVSchedules, and the app will no longer work. I’m sorry for theuserswho have found it valuable, and thank you all for your supportoverthe years. ---------------------------------- We're certainthis isthe best TV Listings Guide for Android! A fantastic,simple,swipeable TV guide that works even when you're offline.Optimisedfor both tablets and small screens. Browse TV listingswith asingle flick and get details of the latest programmes onFreeview,Sky, Virgin and others with full regional variations. Aclick getsyou useful programme information - episode and seriesnumber, totalepisodes, is it a repeat? Films are easy to find andthe detailsinclude synopsis and film year. Set reminders (3.0+) orshare aprogramme with your friends. Discover new programmes or planyourevening's viewing, whether it's BBC 1 or Film 4, Sky LivingorNickelodeon. Search across all UK television and radiochannels.Covers UK TV schedule on Freeview, Sky, Freesat, Virgin,Saorsat,Saorview and YouView. Includes programme information,series,episode numbers and repeat indicator. Reminders and alertsthroughGoogle Calendar, share what you're watching, search bytitle.Stores programmes five days ahead and two days behind. Optiontoonly download schedules on WiFi * Click on channel logo toseechannel number and name * Click on channel logo, then the'hide'button to hide channels * Click Menu -> Show hiddenchannels toun-hide channels * Films are shown in orange text,finishedprogrammes in grey * Highlight genres (films, news,comedy,sports..) with the Genre menu * Click on a programme to seeitsdetails * Share and set reminders (3.0+) by clicking the iconsonthe programme details page * Radio channels are hidden by default*Hold and drag on a channel to re-order (Android 3.0+ only) *TheLeft and Right arrows go forward and backward one day * Insearchmode, arrows select next and previous search result * ClickMenu-> Reset and Reload to select a different broadcaster orregion* To prevent the app downloading data when mobile, choose'Only useWiFi' in Settings * To stop programme images being shownwhenviewing details, choose 'Don't load programme images' inSettings *The guide automatically switches between portrait andlandscapemode We think it's the best UK TV Guide there is, and wehope youagree! Get the most from your television.